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Optimize Patient Safety, Manage Risk, and Continuously Improve Outcomes
Easily identify, analyze, and report all-cause harm events with Patient Safety Monitor™.
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Products & Services
Success Stories
Patient Safety Monitor™
Automated safety event detection
Greater capacity for proactive interventions
Fewer barriers to successful safety work
Broad range of services to enhance patient safety efforts
Make Better Business Decisions with Data You Can Trust
Improve Detection of Patient Safety Events
Increase visibility to patient safety events by 10x.
Simplify voluntary incident reporting with a streamlined, user-friendly workflow.
Conduct care audits for adverse event investigation.
Prevent Harm with Powerful Predictive Analytics
Conduct comprehensive analysis using integrated data from events and care audits.
Improve data interpretation accuracy through integrated Healthcare.AI.
Increase visibility and actionability by automatically notifying individuals about sentinel events.
Drive Safety Improvements to Achieve Better Outcomes
Take a holistic approach to safety improvement with comprehensive analytics and dashboards.
Identify trends and causes of harm and risk, set priorities for improvement, and prevent harm.
Enable efficient and effective patient safety activities under the legal protection of a PSO.
Products & Services
Our Approach
Patient Safety Monitor and Expert Services
Detect events using trigger-based data surveillance, voluntary incident reporting, and care audits.
Identify safety improvements with comprehensive data, analytics, and augmented intelligence (AI).
Create data-informed target metrics and outcome monitoring for initiatives for CAUTI, pressure injuries, and much more.
Take advantage of our safety expertise to promote data-driven improvement work and a safety culture.
Case Studies
Trusted by Leading Healthcare Organizations
$855K cost savings
due to a reduction in hospital-onset CDI rate
Read Case Study
$4.7M cost savings
and measurably improved healthcare quality
Read Case Study
Our data and analytics technology and professional services helped clients realize $2.2 billion in validated measurable improvements.
See Case Studies
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